Saturday, October 26, 2013

Zyprexa and diabetes

What are the chances of developing diabetes while taking zyprexa?

Most people on antipsychotics gain weight and are at risk for developing diabetes. Depending on whom you believe, the risk of diabetes ranges from 10-40%. I would recommend that you monitor your blood sugars carefully. Weigh yourself and also get your lipids monitored regularly. If your doctor fails to monitor you for metabolic problems while you are on antipsychotics and you develop complications, you got yourself a great malpractice case.

Risperidal and dreams

I am on risperidal and often have difficulty remembering my dreams. Is this related to the medication?

I have no idea. The physiology of dreams is complex and no one understands what causes them or if they are related to medications. My best advice is move on with your life. Remembering dreams is not an important function in life nor is it a requisite for functioning in society. Too many people are bothered by their dreams and blame medications. I have little knowledge about the physiology of sleep/dreams and can’t help you on this matter.

Antipsychotics and weight gain

How do antipsychotics cause weight gain?

It is believed that these drugs affect the eating center and make you crave for food. It has nothing to do with a slower metabolism. So far, all antipsychotics have been shown to cause weight gain. There is no magic pill to resolve this adverse effect. Patients must learn to change their lifestyle and become more active, if weight gain is to be avoided.

Zyprexa and hygiene

Can Zyprexa cause poor hygiene?

Zyprexa should not cause one to develop bad hygiene. More likely, it is your primary mental disorder which is not under adequate control. Patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders who are not treated adequately often neglect personal hygiene. I would recommend a visit to the psychiatrist and determine if you are on the appropriate dose of the drug.

Acne and depression

My 16 year daughter is on Zoloft and has terrible acne. Can she can take something for it

My best advice is speak to a skincare doctor. Family doctors know crap about acne and are likely to prescribe junk medications, which do not work. Plus, these physicians know jack shit about depression in children. The medication you want is a retinoid. You may ask for tretinoin or accutane. However, in females there are some issues with prescription of retinoids to females of child bearing age. That is why I think you should speak to a dermatologist. Good luck.

How long will i be on zoloft?

I was recently started on Zoloft for my depression. How long will I be on this medication?

In general, 12 months and then you will be assessed for symptoms of depression. The dose will be gradually tapered over a few months and if you have no depression symptoms, you will be completely weaned off. However, I should warn you, most people do require a small dose of Zoloft for many years to prevent the symptoms from returning. Depression is a life long illness and even though it disappears, recurrence of symptoms is very common.

Zoloft and breast feeding

I am breast feeding and have been restarted on zoloft for my depression. Can I breast feed?

Definitely not recommended. Zoloft can pass in breast milk. You surely do not want your baby to get this medication. Give the baby formula instead.