Sunday, January 22, 2012

Are there any differences in the fish oil supplements? Part 2

While the products did meet the labeled amount of omega 3 fatty acids, some products did contain traces of contaminant, which did not exceed standard sets by the US pharmacopeia. In simple words, the supplements did meet all the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

So far, the FDA has not undertaken any action against any manufacturer because the contaminants do not seem to be a health risk. The study was more intended to let consumers know what is in the products- which is a requirement in the state of California and has nothing to do with health risk.

The final word- consumers should be careful where they buy their health supplement pills. While online food stores may appear cheap, you never know what you are getting. To play it safe, always buy your prescriptions and health supplements from bona fide stores with a good reputation

Are there any differences in the fish oil supplements? Part 1

Millions of people consume mega doses of fish oil every day. There is a very strong belief among the public that this food supplement is the “Holy Grail.” The exact number of people who buy fish oil supplements is not known but it is a billion dollar industry. Fish oil supplements are available almost everywhere. While most supplements are available in health food stores, today one can buy these supplements from retail grocery stores, pharmacies, online and in almost any alternative healthcare store. There are even some doctors who market their own formulas of fish oil supplements.

Now there is Consumers Report, which claims that not all fish oil supplements are equal. Experts indicate that poor quality product is a major problem because much of the health food supplement industry remains unregulated.