Saturday, October 26, 2013

Zyprexa and diabetes

What are the chances of developing diabetes while taking zyprexa?

Most people on antipsychotics gain weight and are at risk for developing diabetes. Depending on whom you believe, the risk of diabetes ranges from 10-40%. I would recommend that you monitor your blood sugars carefully. Weigh yourself and also get your lipids monitored regularly. If your doctor fails to monitor you for metabolic problems while you are on antipsychotics and you develop complications, you got yourself a great malpractice case.

Risperidal and dreams

I am on risperidal and often have difficulty remembering my dreams. Is this related to the medication?

I have no idea. The physiology of dreams is complex and no one understands what causes them or if they are related to medications. My best advice is move on with your life. Remembering dreams is not an important function in life nor is it a requisite for functioning in society. Too many people are bothered by their dreams and blame medications. I have little knowledge about the physiology of sleep/dreams and can’t help you on this matter.

Antipsychotics and weight gain

How do antipsychotics cause weight gain?

It is believed that these drugs affect the eating center and make you crave for food. It has nothing to do with a slower metabolism. So far, all antipsychotics have been shown to cause weight gain. There is no magic pill to resolve this adverse effect. Patients must learn to change their lifestyle and become more active, if weight gain is to be avoided.

Zyprexa and hygiene

Can Zyprexa cause poor hygiene?

Zyprexa should not cause one to develop bad hygiene. More likely, it is your primary mental disorder which is not under adequate control. Patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders who are not treated adequately often neglect personal hygiene. I would recommend a visit to the psychiatrist and determine if you are on the appropriate dose of the drug.

Acne and depression

My 16 year daughter is on Zoloft and has terrible acne. Can she can take something for it

My best advice is speak to a skincare doctor. Family doctors know crap about acne and are likely to prescribe junk medications, which do not work. Plus, these physicians know jack shit about depression in children. The medication you want is a retinoid. You may ask for tretinoin or accutane. However, in females there are some issues with prescription of retinoids to females of child bearing age. That is why I think you should speak to a dermatologist. Good luck.

How long will i be on zoloft?

I was recently started on Zoloft for my depression. How long will I be on this medication?

In general, 12 months and then you will be assessed for symptoms of depression. The dose will be gradually tapered over a few months and if you have no depression symptoms, you will be completely weaned off. However, I should warn you, most people do require a small dose of Zoloft for many years to prevent the symptoms from returning. Depression is a life long illness and even though it disappears, recurrence of symptoms is very common.

Zoloft and breast feeding

I am breast feeding and have been restarted on zoloft for my depression. Can I breast feed?

Definitely not recommended. Zoloft can pass in breast milk. You surely do not want your baby to get this medication. Give the baby formula instead.

Zoloft and nausea

I sometimes get nausea when I take my Zoloft. Any suggestions?

Sure, take it with food. Or you may break the tablet and talk half in the morning and half later in the day. If the nausea persists, you may need a change in medication.

Depakote and libido

Can Depakote affect libido?

Depakote is one of the few CNS drugs which has minimal affect on libido. So far, not all patients who have been treated with Depakote report loss of libido. it is good mood stabilizer.

Evening Primrose Oil

I am breast feeding, is it safe to take evening primrose oil?

So far data on evening primrose oil in pregnancy and breast feeding mothers have not been evaluated. My best advice is do not take it while breast feeding. The product is generally safe-this is a claim made by the manufacturers. Personally I do not take or recommend any health supplements and prefer to eat fresh foods.

Prozac and libido

Does prozac affect libido?

Yes, almost all antidepressants and antipsychotics diminish sex drive. Some doctors prescribe Viagra for patients who have diminished libido. Unfortunately, even Viagra does not always reverse the libido in all patients.
This is a common problem faced by psychiatrists as there is no other drug that works as an antidepressant and does not diminish libido.

Fluoxetine and weight gain

Is fluoxetine associated with weight gain?

Yes, almost all the antidepressants cause some degree of weight gain. To prevent the weight gain, eat less and exercise more. The longer you stay on this pill, the higher the risk of weight gain, which can be substantial. if your doctor does not monitor your lipids, glucose, body weight and you develop complications, i would highly recommend a good malpractice lawyer.

Hemorrhoids and itching

I have itching from hemorrhoids. Is there something I can buy at the pharmacy?

Hemorrhoidal SM is a suppository used to relieve pain, itching and burning caused by hemorrhoids. The product forms a barrier between the hemorrhoid and the surrounding skin and prevents pain and irritation. It also helps make bowel movements less painful.

The medication has no side effects but one may continue to have some minor bleeding, irritation or pain from the hemorrhoid for a few days.

Oily face and Acne

What is the best way to remove oil from the face?

Many individuals who have acne tend to have oily skin. The best way to rid of excess oil besides washing skin is the use of mild acidic agents. Most of these mild peeling agents can be bought from any pharmacy without a prescription. Agents like benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid or glycolic acid can remove excess oil and also act as mild peeling agents. Always test the chemical on your skin prior to use to ensure that you do not have any type of contact allergy. Using these mild acids daily for a short period will help prevent acne and keep the skin clean. The one thing to avoid is DO NOT GO to a salon or a clinic for a chemical peel with stronger acids. 

Chemical peels are not a treatment for routine acne and should be avoided. Thousands of people with acne have had permanent scars from strong chemical peels. Spas and salons generally are rip off for people with ACNE-there is not a single treatment in a spa or salon that can help a person with ACNE. The people who run these clinics generally do not know the mouth from the ARSE.

Hairline acne

I have mild hairline acne. Anything I can do at home?

If you have hairline acne, especially on the front and sides, shampoo your hair frequently. There are hundreds of shampoos on the market and this makes it very confusing for the consumer. Select baby shampoo and it will be as good as any other product. All the elegant shampoos in pretty containers may smell and look nice, but have no healing power and are a waste of money. 

The type of shampoo is not of great importance. Baby shampoo will do just fine. Try and keep the hairline clean and free from hair. If your scalp does get dry, apply baby oil at least twice a day. In many cases, it is the irritation from the hair and oils that cause hairline acne. If the acne is severe, you may benefit from a topical retinoid like accutane. Everything else is JUNK.

Washing face to get rid of acne!

I have bad acne. What soap should I use to wash my face?

Why most people believe that buying the most expensive facial wash product is good for acne is a mystery. The myth of buying expensive soaps, astringents, detergents, rubbing alcohols and scrubbing agents has been propagated down from the cosmeticians only because they want to make money. Everyone wants to sell the poor acne sufferer crap remedies-this is universal as it is an easy way to make money. In reality, all these products are worthless.

One should avoid facial scrubs, astringents, camouflage creams and masks because these compounds can aggravate and worsen the acne. Many of these products contain additional synthetic chemicals which can make your acne worse. So avoid them. Further. Do not become obsessed about washing and scrubbing your skin. 

Acne is not due to poor hygiene or failure to wash the skin. All the extra scrubbing only irritates and dries up the skin even more. The best approach is to use a bland soap and gently cleanse the skin. The wet face should then be gently dried with a soft towel. The aim of facial washing is to get rid of the excess oil and should be done 2-3 times a day, maximum. Remember, acne has nothing to do with poor hygiene. In most cases, it is just plain bad luck which crops up just when you have a date.

How can i remove my TATTOO?

What is the best method of getting my tattoo removed?

There are millions of individuals who have permanent tattoos; while many of these tattoos look great, it is generally agreed that many individuals had them etched onto the skin at the spur of the moment. After a few years, thousands of individuals want their tattoos removed. Removal of a tattoo is somewhat difficult but not impossible. In cyberspace there are others hundreds of creams, lotions, potions, and gels to remove tattoos. And they all have in common one fact- they do not work unless that tattoo was drawn with a pencil.

To remove the permanently etched tattoo, many methods have been developed but they all have limitation. The best way to remove a tattoo today is with the use of a laser. The latest lasers are very effective for most tattoos. They act by breaking up the pigment in the tattoo with a high energy beam. Darker colored tattoos are the easiest to remove with laser. Among the colored tattoos, red is perhaps the easiest. Tattoos etched of very bright colors which fail to absorb the laser energy to not respond well.

However, before a tattoo removal is done with a laser, one must go and see a healthcare practitioner who has experience with the procedure. Each tattoo is unique and has it own set of unique complexities. Because there are many people, even non health care workers, who now use the laser to remove tattoos, it is vital that one seek a qualified health care individual. Complications abound all over cyberspace when the laser is not used correctly.

The laser removal of tattoos is an outpatient procedure but the numbers of treatments required vary. In almost all cases, individuals require several sessions. During the procedure, the eyes are usually covered with special goggles and a topical anesthetic is applied on the skin. The laser is activated and held close to the skin surface. Despite what everyone says, the laser does sting a ted bit. Once the laser treatment is completed, it is highly recommended that one apply an ice pack to limit the swelling. At home one needs to apply a topical antibiotic cream to ensure that the site does not get infected.

If the laser is used correctly, the side effects are minimal. However, some side effects do occur and include scarring, keloid formation, excess darkening or lightening of the skin.

The latest lasers with the state of art equipment can do wonders for removing most tattoos. However, one has to be realistic because there are some tattoos which can’t be removed with lasers.

Other treatments for tattoo removal include dermabrasion, excision of tattoos and salabrasion. While these methods are cheaper, they are not effective and are also associated with side effects. Lasers are generally more effective but also cost a lot of money (thousands of dollars).

Tattoo removal is a considered a cosmetic procedure and no medical insurance covers the cost. Before you set of for laser removal of your tattoo, get the exact costs. Perhaps you may just want to leave it there and hide it by wearing a garment or make up.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ginseng and Viagra

Does ginseng work like viagra?

There are many anecdotal reports suggesting that ginseng works like viagra and may be an aid for men who have erectile failure. There are no large studies that have actually proven this hypothesis. However, review of the literature suggests that ginseng is just a hyped up herb with a lot of talk and no action. Most of my patients claim it sucks when it comes to improving sexual performance.

Premature ejaculation

Is there something I can do for premature ejaculation?

Yes, you can do several things. One is not to have sex at all but that is not a great option. The second is to wear a condom as this can lower the sexual sensations-the thicker the condom, the less you will be able to feel the other partner’s genitals. Third is to masturbate prior to the actual sex. This activity must be done several hours earlier otherwise you may not be able to get it up at all if you leave it till late.

As far as medications are concerned, some doctors do prescribe the anti-depressant imipramine. It needs to be taken at least 8-12 hours prior to the sexual activity. The great thing about imipramine is that even if it fails to prevent premature ejaculation, the drug will maintain high spirits.You won't feel as bad even if you spurt prematurely all over the bed or your partner's legs.

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic, which I do not recommend. It will numb your penis and also rub off on the genitals of your partner; and neither of you will be able to feel the pleasant sexual sensations.

Safety of Prozac

Is it safe to take Prozac for long periods?

Initially, when the SSRIs were developed, there was a lot of commotion about the safety of these drugs. However, millions of people use Prozac on a regular basis and so far, it has proven to be relative safe. The drug does have side effects but it works well as an antidepressant.

Safarem versus Prozac

How is safarem different from Prozac?

It is not. It is the same drug. The generic is fluoxetine and safarem and Prozac are brand names- Just the manufacturers are different. Prozac is slightly cheaper than Sarafem.

Crestor safety

Is crestor a safe medication?

In general, all statins are relatively safe. However your doctor does need to monitor your liver function every 2-3 months. If you ever develop muscle pain or cramps, stop taking the drug and see our doctor. All statins are known to cause muscle breakdown, which can be severe. Crestor is a safe medication but expensive. Go for the generic lipitor-it works just as well.

Diet to prevent kidney stones

Is there a diet to prevent kidney stones?

Many doctors and dieticians seem to think so, but the reason is more to do with money. These scammers just want to sell you CRAP diets and make it sound like they are giving you sound advice. BS.

If you have kidney stones, then you can eat whatever you want but the one major requirement is you should drink lots of water. The only time you have to make changes in diet is if you have oxalate stones. Then you should not be eating beets, chocolates, sweet potatoes, rhubarb etc. For this advice, these so called experts charge you $200.  You can get the same advice for free from the Internet or ME.

Medications to treat kidney stones

Are medications away necessary when one has kidney stones?

For the first episode of kidney stones, the treatment is hydration and pain control, some people may have calcium stones and may benefit from a water pill (thiazide) or a phosphate-containing pill. These pills will prevent stones from forming in the urinary system

Individuals who have uric acid stones may benefit from use of allopurinol, the drug needs to be combined with a bicarbonate pill to ensure that no more uric acid stones are formed.

You can rest assured, even if you do not use any of the above medications, you will still require something strong to relieve the pain. The pain from a kidney stone can cripple most humans within seconds.

Struvite stone

My doctor says I have a struvite stone. What does the mean?

Struvite stones are made of magnesium and are usually infected, these stones tend to be large and often require some type of procedure to remove them. The stones send to be recurrent and one has to use antibiotics for long periods.

Treating dry lips

The treatment of dry lips is not difficult. When the offending cause is eliminated, the problem is solved. To protect your lips try and use an oil based cream or lip balm. The product must contain some type of oil or beeswax. 

Avoid lip balms which contain fragrances. The lip balm should be applied when going out in dry weather or during exercise. Today, there are many lip balms which are fortified with sunscreens so that you get double protection from the weather. Lip balms only work when they are used regularly. Another approach is to use any type of skin moisturizer frequently.

If you have a habit of licking or traumatizing your lips with your fingers, stop that habit. Licking lips with saliva will rapidly dry your lips. To avoid licking your lips, use a lip balm which does not taste great.

The best approach to dry lips is to remain hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. If your home is dry, use a humidifier.  There is absolutely no need to see a health care professional for dry lips unless these protective measures have failed. It is very rare that dry lips are due to a systemic illness.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Birth control pill for acne

I am a 33 year old female with acne. I have tried many medications but nothing seems to work. Can you suggest something?

Try a birth control pill. They do work and erase the acne. In addition, women who take the birth control pill often have smooth soft skin. You may not be a candidate for Accutane but I think you may respond to a oral contraceptive. Go and see a decent skin doctor and ask him for a 2-3 month supply. Remember these pills also cause weight gain, so you will have to watch your diet and walk.

Female with low sex drive

I am a female with fibromyalgia and my sex drive is low. Can I increase it?

Well, there is no magic formula to increase sex drive in females. I would suggest try Viagra. Even though this medication has been marketed for men, there are many reports that it does work in women. Remember Viagra is not an aphrodisiac; it just enhances your sexual drive and stimulation. Try and it see if it works. I do not known of any reason why a woman cannot take Viagra. Take one pill every day for 5-7 days and see if that makes a difference. Remember, your genitals will need to be stimulated because viagra does not spontaneously cause arousal. 

Other than Viagra, some experts recommend low dose testosterone- but then you do not want hair growing all over your body.

Adipex for weight loss

Can I lose weight with adipex?

You have to be realistic, Adipex only helps less than 5% of people lose weight. However the weight loss is only 1-2 pounds a month and the drug can only be taken for a short time. Do not expect the drug to work while you are watching TV. You need to do some type of exercise and eat less if you want results from this medication. There is no weight loss medication that works for people who are too lazy to exercise.


I have been told I have cholecystitis or inflammation of my gallbladder. Is there a medication I can take?

Most people with cholecystitis are treated in hospital with antibiotics, pain control and fluids. The cause is usually gallstones which require surgery. If you are home, I would suggest a very low fat diet, ample liquids and rest. You may need something for pain. If the pain or fever persist, my best recommendation is to go the nearest emergency room. Cholecystitis is usually not treated at home. I am surprised you were discharged- if you develop any complications, I would highly recommend a medical malpractice lawyer.

Prandin for diabetes

I am a diabetic and am on prandin, will I be able to lose weight?
Prandin is also known as repaglinide and is used to treat type 2 diabetes. Unlike metformin, it does not cause weight loss. Side effects of prandin include headache, joint pain and diarrhea. Prandin is also VERY expensive. If you want to lose weight and are a diabetic, ask our doctor for metformin. The drug is cheaper and also induces weight loss. Personally speaking, prandin is a rip off and no better than metformin. 
Many doctors have a terrible habit of starting patients on the latest drugs available. Newer is not always better for the patient.
In surgery, if a surgeon constantly is changing his/her tools or trying out new techniques-this usually indicates a bad surgeon.

Quinine for muscle cramps

Can I take Quinine for my muscle cramps?
Sure you can. Muscle cramps can occur at any time and can be a real pain in the rear. Most physicians really do not know what medication to give for cramps and usually end up recommending fluids and mineral replacement. Sometimes valium and or flexeril are given. However, probably the best drug for muscle cramps is quinine. Some studies have shown that a combination of theophylline with quinine is more effective than vitamin E and xylocaine injections. 
The recommended does of quinine for muscle cramps is about 200-500 mg/day and can be used on a as needed basis. So next time you develop cramps, ask your doctor for a quinine script. Unfortunately, you cannot take quinine for long periods as it does have some unpleasant side effects-like constant ringing noise in the ears.

Nicobrevin to help quit smoking

Can nicobrevin help me quit smoking?

Nicobrevin is a formula that contains quinine, methyl valerate, camphor and eucalyptus oil. This product is widely hyped up as the ultimate treatment for people who want to quit smoking. Millions of people buy this product each month, but does it work?

A look at some randomized trials revealed that when nicobrevin was compared to a sugar pill, it sucked. No one was able to quit smoking and worst of all, it is very expensive.

As of today, there is zero evidence that nicobrevin can help you quit smoking- another product that goes in the sucks column.

Acupuncture to help quit smoking

Can acupuncture help me quit smoking?

Many people who smoke have now been turning to alternative healthcare professionals to help them quit smoking. One of the methods recommended for people who want to quit smoking is acupuncture. Acupuncture is used with aim of reducing the withdrawal symptoms that people experience when they try to quit tobacco. Cochrane reviews looked at a few decent studies on acupuncture and it ability to help people quit smoking. Basically, the only conclusion from the study was that it was a waste of money-or put even more simply it did jack shit.

So if you have money and want to quit smoking, do what the President did- quit cold turkey and exercise. If you have no money and want to quit smoking, -quit cold turkey and exercise.

Nicotine gum to help quit smoking

I have been thinking of using the nicotine gum to help me quit smoking. Do you think it can help?

Nicotine gum contains a tiny amount of nicotine. When you chew the gum a small amount of nicotine enters the body from the lining of the mouth. The nicotine chewing gum has been frequently recommended as an aid for people who want to quit smoking. The good thing about the gum is that you do not need a prescription and it is available in two formulations. There is a short acting gum which can help stop the urgent  nicotine cravings and the long formulation which can stop nicotine cravings over 24 hours. These gums also come in many flavors.

While all this sound great, there are many negatives about the gum. First you have to chew the gum every hour, for 24 hours and that can be physically painful.  If you are working at an office job, it does not look great chewing like a cow all day. The amount of nicotine released from the gums is so miniscule that the cravings never disappear. Moreover, the manufacturer recommends a specific technique for chewing to get  maximal benefit from the gum. The gum has to be chewed until you get an acrid taste followed by a stinging sensation in  your mouth. Then you have to hold the gum away from the cheeks so that the nicotine can get absorbed. And you do this all day long for many weeks.

Most people who use the gum complain that chewing causes fatigue, nausea, stomach upset and you also pass a lot of gas from the rectum (because when you chew all day, you also swallow a lot of air). Moreover, nicotine gum can mess up our dental work. You are not allowed to eat while chewing and you must allow 15 minutes if you decide to snack. Nicotine gum is recommended for up to 12 weeks. You gradually reduce the frequency of chewing as cravings and withdrawal symptoms decrease (this does not happen in 99% of people). 

And even if you decide to put up with all this BS, the fact is that the chewing gum works  in less than 1% of people. For the majority of people, the nicotine chewing gum is a waste of money.

If you have any common sense, then this surely is not a method which can help you quit smoking.  But if you hate your job and want to drive everyone crazy with chewing gum, then go for it.