Thursday, February 2, 2012

I have high cholesterol and have been thinking of taking arginine instead of medications. What do you think?

I am not an advocate of drugs for life, unless you have diabetes or high blood pressure. Try cutting down on your weight, change your diet, and walk more. You may try arginine but most evidence suggests that it does not lower cholesterol.

What is the maximum dose of arginine I can take every day?

The supplement is safe and there is no tolerable upper intake level. You may take anywhere from 400 to 6,000 mg daily. A few people may develop nausea, diarrhea, and bloating.

I would like to increase my exercise endurance. Do you think arginine may help?

Even though many athletes are using mega doses of arginine to build muscles and improve exercise endurance, there is little scientific evidence to back this theory. You can try it and see for yourself. My advice- eat right, work harder and life more weights- this is the hard way but it works.

I have heard that arginine can help my impotence. What do you think?

Well, there are a few studies, which show that men who took arginine had stronger and longer lasting erections. Unfortunately, other studies have not found such observations. If you have a problem with erections, you need a new mate or Viagra. Arginine is a waste of money for erectile failure.

I smoke and have been having cramps when I walk. My doctor says I should try arginine. What do you think?

Well, my advice is stop smoking. It is an unhealthy habit. If you do not stop smoking, then nothing will help you. You may try arginine, but you also need to eat healthy, exercise and reduce your weight.

Some studies show that smokers with peripheral vascular disease do benefit from arginine supplements. It is not known if the benefits are sustained.

Is there any evidence that arginine can prevent heart disease?

There is some evidence that daily intake of arginine may help prevent heart disease. However, these beneficial affects do not occur immediately and you must be on the supplement daily for many months and even years. It is believed that arginine prevents plaque formation and opens up blood vessels. If you have heart failure, then you are out of luck- Arginine has no benefit. Remember manufacturers advocate this supplement for many medical disorders but they only have one goal in mind- how to get you to spend money on their bogus supplements.