Friday, March 18, 2011

Is flax seed safe for long-term use?

It appears that flax seed is somewhat safe, but the occasional patient has been reported to develop an allergic reaction. One should only consume the flax seed which have been prepared and sold in health food stores. Unripe flaxseeds or raw seeds are poisonous and can increase levels of cyanide. There are other reports that flax seeds can change mood, increases bowel movements, and even alter the menstrual cycles.  People taking pharmaceutical medications should be warned that flax seed does interact with blood thinning medications

How does one take flax seed?

Flax seed is available as an oil, capsule, powder or soluble fiber. The daily recommended dose is anywhere from 10-250 grs. The product can be taken with food or mixed with any type of liquid. Because the power is not very palatable, most people take it 2-3 times a day with food. Some people even mix flax seen powder into water, make a paste and use it as a warm compress for skin problems.

Is there a difference in flax seeds powder versus the oil?

There is no difference in the formula. No matter what formula you take, it does not appear that flax seed products do much. However, most people feel better that they are taking something natural for their health- and there is nothing wrong with that.

Can flax seed reduce my cholesterol or triglyceride levels?

Flax seed or flax seed oil is a rich source of the essential fatty acid alpha linolenic acid, which is a precursor for the omega 3 fatty acids. There is a lot of literature on omega 3 fatty acids and how it improve heart disease. However, clinical evidence about flax seed is still lacking. Flax seed has been claimed to do many things but there is no good clinical evidence that it does anything. The only good thing about flax seed is that it is moderately safe and so there is no harm in taking it. If you want to reduce your cholesterol or triglyceride levels, walk more and eat less fat.  If you have a history of heart disease than you may need a statin drug.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What else can I take instead of ephedra to lose weight?

For those still seeking something like ephedra, the other option is bitter orange, which has similar effects as ephedra- and is legal. Studies today indicate that it has similar side effects like ephedra. So far, the going has been smooth for bitter orange. However, it does not work great as a weight loss agent

For how long can ephedra be detected in urine?

All athletes should note that Ephedra is very easily detected in the urine. Therefore, for those who take it, it must be understood that the alkaloid can be identified in the urine at least 7-10 days after the last dose.

Are ephedra containing products in health food stores safe?

One of the major problems with ephedra was that the product sold in health food stores was unregulated. Each store sold a different formulation with an unknown dose. The quality and the quantity in most cases was not known. In addition, many of the herbal medications came from the Orient. Moreover, there have been many reports of fake and counterfeit products. In fact, Chinese and Indian manufacturers are known to spike herbs with real pharmaceutical drugs. Coupled with contamination and lack of quality, the FDA finally banned the drug from sale. There have been many studies, which have shown that the dose of ephedrine from one store to another frequently varied by 10 fold- and this was in the same brand. No wonder why side effects developed!

The health supplement, Metabolite, had ephedra as its constituent and there were thousands of complaints of adverse reactions with this product, including death. It was the death of Steve Belcher (Orioles pitcher) which led the FDA to finally clamp down on ephedra sales. Despite legal challenges by many weight loss firms who sold, ephedra, the drug is only now available on the black market.

Does ephedra have many side effects?

Ephedra at low doses does not do much, but when the herb is taken for long periods and in high doses, the side effects are quite obvious. The side effects include:

-          Skin itchiness
-          Hot flushed skin
-          Extreme irritability and nervousness
-          Dizziness
-          Tremors
-          Headaches
-          Inability to sleep
-          Profuse sweating
-          High body temperate
-          Fast heart rate

When the alkaloid is taken in high doses, it can even cause seizures, heart attack, stroke and even death.

Do you think ephedra can help improve my exercise endurance?

To be honest, I am not sure. Ephedra is widely used by athletes. While there is no real proof that it does anything, athletes who take ephedra claim that it allows them to perform better and improve exercise endurance. For sporting activities, which require sudden bursts of energy, there is evidence that ephedra, can provide a boost. Weight lifters report that after taking ephedra, they are able to lift more weights. The other reason why ephedra is taken is because it is said to help one burn body fat. Ephedra is a potent weight loss agent. When combined with caffeine and aspirin, it can cause weight loss of at least 2-3 pounds/month- all fat. 

Many studies have shown that in short term, this formulation is quite effective for weight loss. The only reason ephedra is not prescribed for weight loss is because of its adverse effects. Ephedra is widely used at all levels of sports. Beside professional athletes, the alkaloid is also used at the college level and in high schools. However, just remember that many sporting agencies do check for ephedra and it is easily detectable in urine.

What Herbal products contain ephedra?

Ephedra containing herbal products include apricot kernel, gypsum, and licorice. However, since the FDA warning, many of these products are not legally available. Any health food store that sells products containing ephedra, can be in deep shit with the DEA.

How does ephedra cause weight loss?

Ephedrine is often classified as a brain stimulant and as a thermogenic agent. Its primary effects are due to ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. These chemicals can stimulate the brain, increase heart rate, raise blood pressure and make breathing a lot easier. As a thermogenic agent it can increase metabolism, generate more energy and produces heat. Because of the thermogenic properties, it was once widely used as a weight loss agent. The herb can also suppress the appetite center.

Is ephedra still used in hospitals?

Ephedra is an alkaloid that contains ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. These two substances are commonly found in many decongestants. In the olden days, ephedrine was also used in the hospital settings to increase blood pressure in patients who were in shock.
Ephedrine is a brain stimulant and is also considered a performance enhancing drug. Of course, it is banned by all sports organizations.

Is ephedra is still available in North America?

Ephedra was once the most sold dietary supplement in North America. It was widely available and sold without a prescription. Over the years, it was observed by the FDA that the substance was associated with a fair number of complications including heart attacks and deaths. In 2004, FDA banned the sale of ephedra and ephedra-containing products from all health food stores. Today, the sale of ephedra in the USA is illegal. Now that ephedra is gone, it has been replaced with bitter orange.

How long has ephedra been used in medicine?

Ephedra is an alkaloid derived from the plant, ephedra sinica. This plant alkaloid has been used by the Chinese as a herbal medicine for over 5000 years. Ephedra has traditionally been used to treat  a wide variety of disorders include asthma, hay fever, sinusitis , common cold,  and other viral illnesses. Others even use ephedra on a regular basis to diminish fatigue and generate energy. Today, ephedra is used by many cultures including Middle Easterners, Orientals, Asians and even North Americans. Some people eat the plant, other chew the leaves, there are pills of ephedra, and one can even drink it with a beverage.