Saturday, October 26, 2013

Washing face to get rid of acne!

I have bad acne. What soap should I use to wash my face?

Why most people believe that buying the most expensive facial wash product is good for acne is a mystery. The myth of buying expensive soaps, astringents, detergents, rubbing alcohols and scrubbing agents has been propagated down from the cosmeticians only because they want to make money. Everyone wants to sell the poor acne sufferer crap remedies-this is universal as it is an easy way to make money. In reality, all these products are worthless.

One should avoid facial scrubs, astringents, camouflage creams and masks because these compounds can aggravate and worsen the acne. Many of these products contain additional synthetic chemicals which can make your acne worse. So avoid them. Further. Do not become obsessed about washing and scrubbing your skin. 

Acne is not due to poor hygiene or failure to wash the skin. All the extra scrubbing only irritates and dries up the skin even more. The best approach is to use a bland soap and gently cleanse the skin. The wet face should then be gently dried with a soft towel. The aim of facial washing is to get rid of the excess oil and should be done 2-3 times a day, maximum. Remember, acne has nothing to do with poor hygiene. In most cases, it is just plain bad luck which crops up just when you have a date.

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