Friday, October 18, 2013

Discontinue smoking via mobile phones!

Discontinuing smoking via mobile phones

The first fact consumers have to understand is that there is no treatment that can help one discontinue smoking. All the present day lotions, pastes, gums, potions and pills are junk (And a rip off). Now there is an innovative approach to help people stop smoking. Because almost everyone has a mobile, especially the youth, healthcare workers are now seeking to deliver health advice like smoking cessation via mobile phones. But does this work?

Recently researchers collected data on smokers who had participated in such studies. Smokers received text message on smoking and bad health. Some researchers also looked at the internet on smoking cessation advice and discontinuation of this bad social habit. What was noticed is that some people did reduce smoking in the short term but relapses were common in the long run. Overall, it was observed that mobile phone based smoking cessation interventions on long term outcome failed.

The unfortunate thing about the study is that even though it was well intentioned, it has little practical applicability. There are speed signs posted on all the roads, yet many people speed. Health prevention shows are common on the TV and yet this has not produced a healthy society. Use of condoms is heavily marketed but this is not a common practice and STDs are at an all time high.

Smoking is a bad habit and is intensely addictive and giving advice over the phone is a stupid idea by “wanna” be doctors. The majority of mobile phone owners will immediately delete all unwanted advice as spam. Shit, if all of healthcare advice could be delivered by the phone, then we would not need any doctors!!

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