Saturday, October 12, 2013

When to check blood sugar levels

When should I check my blood sugar levels?

Most people who have just been diagnosed with diabetes need to check the blood sugars at least 4-6 times a day.

Once the diagnosis of diabetes has been established, the measurement of blood sugars does depend on the type of diabetes and treatment.
Individuals who have type 1 diabetes often need to measure blood sugar levels anywhere from 3-6 times a day, at least before and after each meal.
Individuals with diabetes who exercise also need to monitor their sugars before and after exercise and just before going to sleep.

Individuals with type 1 diabetes who are ill or have a change in their routine (like traveling), stress or have been diagnosed with other medical disorder may need more frequent monitoring of blood sugar levels.

Individuals with Type 2 diabetes generally require less frequent glucose monitoring. Most of these individuals initially monitor the blood glucose 1-2 times day if they are on any type of diabetic medications. Individual who are managing their type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise alone need to monitor their sugars less often.

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