Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Weight loss with walking

Can one lose weight with walking?

For some unknown reason, many people seem to think that walking is a poor form of exercise. Hardly anyone ever recommends this exercise. Go to any fitness expert, health professional or sports expert and the first thing they always insist is that you buy expensive exercise equipment, join a gym or eat special diets- walking is the last word in their mouth. 

The crazy thing is that many people believe these “soothsayers” and buy expensive machines for exercise and or join costly gyms which they rarely visit. The majority of people who but home exercise equipment get bored within one week and they hide the equipment underneath the bed or store it in the garage.

What should be understood is that intense exercises are not for everyone. There are many people who just can’t get on an exercise machine or start jogging.

For everyone who wants to lose weight, there is absolutely nothing wrong with walking. In fact over the long run, walking is better than any other form of exercise. Granted the results are not rapid, but over time, more people remain dedicated to this simple form of exercise. 

It is estimated that if you lose 3500 calories you will lose one pound in weight. Walking for 1 hr every day will help you burn about 300-400 calories day. This means that in 10 days, you can lose a pound. Further, if you combine this with  dietary restrictions, the weight loss can be augmented. If you cut down 100- 200 calories a day and combine it with walking for an hour- the weight loss can be significant. The more you walk, the greater the weight loss. And of course if you walk faster, the more calories you burn.

Walking is the cheapest, safest and most cost effective way to lose weight. Plus, you get to enjoy the environment and appreciate nature.  So start walking today and stop listening to the fitness experts who want you to spend your hard earned money on junk exercise machines or join gyms for exorbitant fees.

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