Friday, October 18, 2013

Silver acetate to quit smoking

Does Silver Acetate help one quit smoking?

Many individuals would love to quit smoking but none of the available methods work. Now there is another method to help smokers quit smoking. This involves the use of silver acetate. This chemical produces a very unpleasant taste when combined with tobacco and produces an aversive stimulus. Silver acetate is available in various formulations (gums, lozenges, tablets) and is marketed with the aim of helping the smoker immediately stop smoking. Because of the unpleasant taste when tobacco is mixed with the chemical it is believed that this will lead to people quitting smoking.

But the question is, “does silver acetate help one quit smoking?”

Researchers looked at several studies on silver acetate in promoting smoking cessation. What they discovered was that most smokers spit out the silver acetate, rinsed their mouth and resumed smoking.

Granted the combination of silver acetate and smoke produced an unpleasant taste, but this only caused poor compliance by the smokers. Most smokers said the combination tasted like “s...t” and they simply avoided using it.

The effects of silver acetate on smoking cessation were no better than any nicotine replacement treatment- meaning it did zilch.

So in simple language- just producing an unpleasant taste in the mouth is not enough to deter one from smoking. So far there is no evidence that silver acetate has helped anyone quit smoking. So if you want to quit smoking, stop spending your hard earned money on substances that taste like crap- go cold turkey. It may be difficult but it is still the most way to quit smoking.

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