Thursday, October 17, 2013

Chinese herbs for the common cold

Can I use Chinese medicinal herbs to treat my common cold?

No one is immune from the common cold and it affects all age groups. Unfortunately this simple illness can be a real pain in the rear. Because of the failure of traditional medicine to prevent or treat the common cold effectively, many people have been turning to Chinese medical herbs. 

Herbs are widely used in China for the treatment of many medical disorders besides the common cold. As far as their efficacy is concerned, there is none. There is not one piece of good clinical evidence that Chinese herbs help prevent or treat the common cold

What this means is stop wasting your money on unproven products and use home remedies to treat your common cold- this means rest for a few days, take a Motrin if you have muscle pain, drink lots of fluids and eat healthy. If you want to prevent the common cold, get vaccinated but there is no guarantee that the vaccine will work. 

Unfortunately we live in a society where everyone wants an instantaneous cure for all the medical problems- instead of a cure most people end up getting disappointments- that is the reality of medicine for you!

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